Regular Council - AGENDA

Meeting #:
Council Chambers

The City of Lloydminster and the Council of Lloydminster would like to acknowledge that the chambers in which we are holding today's meeting is situated on Treaty 6 territory, traditional lands of First Nations and Métis people.

We will now pause for a silent moment of personal reflection.

Reminder, all members of Council are obligated to declare a conflict of interest OR a financial interest (as per S. 133 of the Lloydminster Charter) regarding any item on the agenda.

  • That the Agenda dated July 17, 2023 be approved.

  • ​That the Regular Council meeting Minutes dated June 19, 2023 be approved.

Presented By: Ryan Hill

  • That Council approve executing and submitting a full grant application to the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund for the Lloydminster Tree Planting Initiative with an estimated cost of $1,585,000 for the full duration of the agreement (2024 – 2032).

Presented By: Tracy Simpson

  • That Council approve Policy No. 740-04, the Recreation and Cultural Refund Policy No. 740-04 as presented.

Presented By: Patrick Lancaster

  • That Council adopt the Lloydminster Community Safety Strategy and direct Administration to incorporate it into business plans.

Presented By: Tracy Simpson

  • That Council authorize City Administration to enter into a fifteen (15) year Sponsorship Agreement with Cenovus Energy Inc. for the naming rights of the new event facility to be named “Cenovus Energy Hub” and that the Mayor and City Manager be authorized to sign and seal all necessary documents.

Presented By: Tracy Simpson

  • That Council approve the 2024 Saskatchewan Summer Games Operating Budget as presented.

Presented By: Tracy Simpson

  • That Council approve the amendment of the terms of the following Lloydminster Public Library Board Members as follows:

    Tara Lynn Lawrence term ending January 22, 2026

    Alison Greenwald term ending May 7, 2026

    Leonel Aguinaldo term ending May 7, 2026

    Sarah Sklapsky term ending January 9, 2025

    Amy Roper term ending November 20, 2025

Presented By: John Stevens

  • That Council approve the Violence Harassment Prevention Policy No. 135-03, formerly known as "Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention Policy", as amended.

Presented By: Cindy Perkins

  • That Council approve Privacy Policy No. 135-01, as amended.



Presented By: Denise MacDonald

  • That Council grant first reading to Bylaw No. 06-2023, with a maximum borrowing amount of $6,400,000 for the construction of the Lloydminster Effluent Line and advertise the proposed Borrowing Bylaw No. 06-2023 for two consecutive weeks prior to second and third reading as legislated.

Presented By: Denise MacDonald

  • That Council grant first reading to Bylaw No. 22-2023 Operating Line of Credit.

  • That Council grant second reading to Bylaw No. 22-2023 Operating Line of Credit.

  • That Council unanimously consent to consider Bylaw No. 22-2023 Operating Line of Credit, for a third and final reading.

  • That Council grant third and final reading to Bylaw No. 22-2023 Operating Line of Credit.

Presented By: Natasha Pidkowa

  • That Council grant second reading to Bylaw No. 20-2023, a Bylaw to amend Land Use Map, being Part IV to Bylaw No. 5-2016 as per Schedule ‘A’.

  • That Council grant third and final reading to Bylaw No. 20-2023, a Bylaw to amend Land Use Map, being Part IV to Bylaw No. 5-2016 as per Schedule ‘A’.

  • That the July 17, 2023 Regular Council Meeting recess for a short break at ____ PM.

  • That the July 17, 2023 Regular Council Meeting go into a closed session as per LAFOIP Section 16(1)(a) at ___ PM.

  • That the July 17, 2023 Regular Council Meeting resume open session at ___ PM.

Policy Options/Advice LAFOIP Section 16(1)(a)


Policy Options/Advice LAFOIP Section 16(1)(a)

  • ​That the July 17, 2023 Regular Council Meeting be adjourned at _____ PM.

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